
Posts Tagged ‘Harry Potter’

Some 2012 Movie Reviews

In Uncategorized on February 19, 2012 at 7:04 pm

Man on A Ledge

I don’t know what I was thinking when I decided to go see this movie. I think the antibiotics I was on MUST have caused some lapse in my movie-picking judgment. The movie wasn’t awful but it was most definitely NOT memorable whatsoever. A man is more or less on a ledge from the 5 minute mark on to the end of the film. Even Shia LaBeouf shirtless on a ledge playing the guitar couldn’t keep me entertained that long, sorry. I think in the end it was a cool concept but in reality the plot was really thin and not fully described until the end of the movie and at that point, all you’re hoping is that he just jumps off the ledge already.

Fandom Menace Podcast

Woman in Black

I stopped watching the Harry Potter’s come the second premiere, but I will admit Daniel Radcliffe is really good at one thing – being creepy and being around other living and mystical beings that are equally as creepy. I am a huge horror movie fan as I’m sure most of you know at this point and really take to any cheesy horror film that can capture my attention for a two hour duration. Woman in Black most definitely is a cliff hanger of a movie minus the running up the stairs instead of down and any real gore which is more than FINE with me. I am so not into the Saw Trilogies – why would I spend MONEY to go see a movie where a saw is slowly drilling into someone’s brain for an hour and a half? ALL set – thanks though. I think this movie really played on the old horror movie plot of a haunted house and what may reside within. If you’re up for a scary but not gory horror film… or you really miss Harry Potter movie releases, I suggest you go see Woman in Black.

Fan Pop

Safe House

So, I’m not typically a Denzel fan – my brother and dad are both hooked on literally anything he cameos in. I am a woman, so maybe it has something to do with it but I just don’t typically like his action-packed “superhero” movies. I wanted to see Safe House though since I thought the previews looked awesome and well…. Denzel and Ryan on the large screen for two hours can’t be THAT bad. While I’ve seen much worse movies, I don’t think I’d ever re-watch Safe House – it lacked a plot for the most part and was a blood shed of a film. The movie starts out with 40 characters and ends with 1 remaining – and no I am not promising you Denzel rises above them all – you’ll have to see it for yourself, sorry Charlie.

Huffington Post

Extremely Loud Incredibly Close 

If you have ANY OTHER PLANS for the duration of the day? Don’t go see this movie. It is extremely dark and intense – not saying it’s not worth seeing but you most definitely can’t plan to do anything uplifting afterI am clearly advising from experience after having seen it on a Saturday afternoon – the last thing I wanted to do after was enjoy a fun weekend night out. The main little boy in this movie should have won every accolade imaginable – he held this movie entirely. Tom Hanks was clearly great for the short duration he lasted in the film as well. I think there is something to say for JUST how dark and sad it was without really any uplifting or comical bits – September 11th didn’t have moments of happiness either. That time in our history was extremely depressing and heartbreaking for our entire nation. So while I kid about it being a really dark movie, I can’t blame it for not incorporating any comedy into the mix since nothing about that tragedy, in my opinion, was funny whatsoever. 

Lil Miss Movie

My Own Happiness Project

In Uncategorized on April 29, 2010 at 9:24 pm

I finished my undergraduate run here at Boston University yesterday — most definitely a bitter sweet feeling to say the least. I am definitely going to miss a lot of things and people, but I am so ready to start a new page of my life. I told you guys recently about one of the books I read entitled, “The Happiness Project”. In the book, she creates various checklists of what she aims to accomplish to make herself an overall happier person, so I figured I too would make one. This is the list (free of the images of course) posted next to my computer. I think at this point, I can share my personal to do list for the future — enjoy….

1) Get back into dance — I was a dancer for more than half of my life. I did everything from jazz to hip hop to finally pointe. I loved it all — the feeling of excitement, anxiety, and nervousness overwhelmed me when the lights hit me on the stage when I performed. I would love nothing more than to get back into dance for good this time. I have tried numerous times here in Boston to take some classes, but have been overwhelmed with too much else to really stick with it.

2) Start up on my photography again — I have a Canon, I love it. It’s my soul mate. If my dad were to one day drop it or ruin my Rebel? I think our relationship would be severed for a few months. At least. I used to LOVE random fall days when I would go on photography excursions — no where in particular, just with the underlying goal of snapping some great pictures. I would love to get back into a committed relationship with my Rebel.

3) Attend more concerts, especially outdoor ones over the summer — I love concerts. The feeling of having no cares in the world, losing your shoes/ phone/ friends all seem to drift away as the music blares and blankets are shared with you by random strangers. I have and will always be a huge fan of summer nights in the open sky listening to my favorite bands play at huge open arenas.

4) Join a book club… and possibly a cooking club too– I love love love reading for leisure. Ever since I picked up the first Harry Potter in London many summers ago, I just felt this unexplainable sense of adventure and excitement when I dive into great books. I love being able to get away, mentally, for a few hours a day. The thought of battling Wizards in Harry Potter or even joining a Circus in Water For Elephants allows me to escape reality whenever I please. And for that? Sign me up.

5) Get back on the pavement– I miss more than anything the early morning runs. For one reason only, the silence that comes with being up before everyone else. The serenity is incomparable and sometimes so necessary. The feeling to be one with nature is a great feeling.

6) Go to bed earlier– sleep is such a necessity that I rarely take seriously. Getting a great nights sleep could be the difference between a good/productive day and a lazy/bummed out day. That’s why I am working towards getting more sleep as often as I can.

Top 10 Movies I Can’t Get Enough Of

In Uncategorized on July 5, 2009 at 5:35 pm

Usually, I don’t tend to write about things I don’t to all too much about. Hence why you don’t see any politics and or sports related blogs on this website. I know a “fair” amount about current topics but not enough to put my two cents in. My brother,  on the other hand, checks the political blog Drudge Report as often as I’m on Serious Eats. Anywhoo,  I will say this much: I know movies. Perhaps, I’m not into the emo flicks or know the names of all of the “Indie film stars” but I do love and watch many great movies. With that in mind, I thought it would be appropriate to finally list off and explain my top 10 movie picks of all time.

#10- Raging Bull

I love DeNiro’s ability to portray pretty much any character he tries to play. The movie features blood, fighting, and far too much cursing but I can’t stop watching it whenever I click through the channels.

thumbnail.php#9- Slumdog Millionaire- This movie blew me away. I saw this grudgingly– seeing as that I tend to steer clear of hyped up movies. I have to admit however that this movie lived up to its expectations. The love triangle, the poverty, and the ability to turn your life around are just three of the many reasons I was glued to this phenomenal movie.


#8- Scream 3– You my ask why I didn’t include Screams 1 and 2, but in case you were wondering — it was purposeful. I love slasher films, yes, but I believe only two are truly worth listing in my top 10, Texas Chainsaw and Scream 3. Perhaps it was the psycho mother of Billy (played by that nobody on Rosanne) that spooked me out but something clearly made me uncomfortable — and I loved every minute of it.

scream3hm0#7- Sixteen Candles- I guess the reason I picked this one over Breakfast Club and the other 80’s classics was because we can all relate to the plot; a teen, full of angst, upset that her family members forgot her “most crucial” birthday. Hey, I walked into my house after having turned 21 this weekend in hopes of seeing balloons, circus folk, and towers of presents. I was instead welcomed by deflating balloons from my brother’s graduation party last weekend. Oh well.

sixteen_candles#6- Harry Potter- If you want to know whether or not I’m a Harry Fanatic, the answer is most definitely NO. While in London, over 10 years ago, I stumbled upon Harry Potter in the bookstore. I read the first one and was captivated by the entire plot, setting, and character developments. Once it hit the US however it became a fanatical obsession for most girls my age, hence why my interest slowly dissolved. The reason I’m including this in the list i because I want nothing more in life than to live in Hogwarts — really, I am willling to forgo the rest of my undergraduate education to reside in Hogwarts full-time. Something about the spookiness of the “hidden rooms”, the beautiful cafeteria, and the Quidditch games are all mesmorizing to me.

harry-potter2#5- Texas Chainsaw- Are there other more well known ‘classic horror movies’? Of course there are. Amd I will say I do like my fair share of the classics, i.e. Halloween, The Shining, so on and so forth. But, there’s something so dark and twisted about Texas Chainsaw. The setting is this rural Southern town full of people who partake in incest — they all cover for one other’s dark secrets, more specifically, the killer’s. I just think the whole idea of landing in a back wash town with no access to the outside world, oh and the fact that a man who enjoys sewing body parts of dead human’s to his face gives me chills every time.


#4- The Dark Knight– I tend to gravitate towards films with background controversy, like, Heath Ledger’s mysterious death for instance. The movie itself was interesting — some aspects such as Bale’s acting and Maggie Gyllenhal’s part I both believe were lacking. While, the special effects and well, Bale’s body were well worth sitting for 3 hours. In addition, I watch this movie over and over again to see Ledger’s “final performance”

the-dark-knight-1#3- Grease– I remember countless nights when I was a child, unable to sleep, passing time watching Grease. I loved the dancing, the hot pants, and of COURSE JOHN TRAVOLTA. Sigh. The music from this movie hasn’t been surpassed by many other movies since, in my opinion.

#2- Pulp Fiction– Find me a movie as deeply complex as Pulp Fiction, and I will beg to differ. This movie scared me, made me laugh, and most of all, made me want to re watch it time and time again. The Travolta/ Jackson duo couldn’t have been cast better. I think they balanced each other out; Jackson was more philosophical and religious whereas Travolta was quite the opposite. In addition, the scene in which they show the cocaine overdose totally freaked me out… I loved it.

6a00d83451be5969e200e54f4b10c18834-640wi#1- Dirty Dancing– I have way too much to say about this movie, so instead of listing off the reasons why I love it all I will tell you to do is this: IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT, GO RIGHT NOW TO BLOCKBUSTER. (Do people still go there?) Better yet, NETFLIX IT.
