
Archive for November, 2011|Monthly archive page

Dead or Alive, Who’d Be At Your Ideal Dinner Table?

In Uncategorized on November 20, 2011 at 8:11 pm

This post is one I’ve wanted to craft for years now – I think there are some people just so inspiring that you can’t help but fantasize about what they’d be like to meet in person. I thought about this topic with my mom — and again she asked me, who would I have come? In case you’re wondering, no, Obama, God and Justin Bieber are not included. The list is a thought out group of inspirations that I’d love to have the honor of dining with.

Alice Waters

This woman has been given both tremendous praise as well as some harsh criticism over the course of her career – standing strong throughout. She started a revolution – there’s no doubt about it. Bringing fresh vegetables and fruit to the classroom has become Waters’ objective as of late and I can’t express just how remarkable this concept is and how necessary it’s become. While she has a cult following, there are just honestly not enough people backing her and the movement she’s trying to instill… I’d love to help implement healthier school lunches in inner-city schools across the country one day down the road. I would be honored to sit and pick her brain for an hour or two. 


My Grandfather

Sometimes people go too soon – that’s the case with my grandfather, Harold Minksy. He is one of the most remarkable people I’ve ever learned about. He started the Burlesque dancing industry with his father, Abe Foxman, in Vegas back in the early 30’s and 40’s. My mom grew up in the desert in Vegas as a child so that my Pop Pop could craft this entirely new industry which became a monolith of its own later on. Throughout our house, there are notes from President’s passed and famous people that looked up to my grandfather. I’m not too close with a lot of my family and wish very much he was still around. I’ve been told since I was born that he’d have totally “gotten me,” and for that? I’d have loved nothing more than to have him here for this upcoming Thanksgiving…


Pablo Picasso 

I was torn between Picasso and Jackson Pollack. While I love Jackson’s work, I think Picasso is just such an interesting character and obviously, the icon of art. Period. Forget about the decade. I minored in Art History in college — taking to Pop Art and oddly enough, Greek Art/Architecture, thanks to an amazing professor who I stayed close to throughout my college experience. While those genres interested me, nothing compared to the single work of Pablo Picasso – his ability to drastically change styles and emotions throughout his career was unparalleled – still is.  The broke boundaries and did it in such a profound way that you couldn’t help but stop and admire the person and the work. 

Arty Factory

Leonardo DiCaprio (if I had a choice, circa 2000)

If I have to pick just one actor, it would have to be Leo. From his days in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape to his most recent work in Inception etc. the man is just brilliant. He’s my generation’s version of a De Niro. I took a liking to him when I was nearly 10 and have still found myself fascinated by both his on-screen life and his personal one. Jumping from one astoundingly beautiful woman to the next leads me to believe he’s not as happy as he appears, or maybe (which I hope is the case) he knows that this is the time in his wildly successful career to just enjoy himself. Who knows. I think he’s able to morph into the character he’s asked to play in nearly every role – think about it for a minute, minus Gangs of New York he’s done an incredible job picking his roles. He’s managed to not get arrested for drug possession, crash a Rover, end up behind bars or even get into a bar fight – perhaps that’s why he’s one of the most distinguished and highest paid actors to date.

The Last Reel

Keith Richards

I wasn’t born in the Hippie Era and I’m not a music buff, but after having read Life by Keith Richards, I just can’t get enough. He’s raw, he’s extremely gifted but most of all, he’s unapologetic about his entire life. I think he’d be wildly fascinating to sit down with – that is, if he could sit for an hour straight without a cigarette break. I’d like to know more about his experience coping with drug abuse and also what it was like, at one point, to be the center of all female attention while in The Rolling Stones. Also, while he did divulge most of his stories in his memoir, my overall goal would be to extract even more juicy tales from him. Wish me luck. 

Music Rooms

My Unwavering Love for TV Nerds

In Uncategorized on November 13, 2011 at 11:15 pm

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Where do I even start with Joseph? I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching him play every goddamn underdog role that Hollywood has thrown his way. He’s adorable and unassuming.  To be fair, I think I’ve been in love  with him since 10 Things I Hate About You – who doesn’t love the nerd who never gets the girl? Come on. When he started doing more mature roles, I got a bit upset – I liked him playing the continual dweeb… but I did love him in Inception. 500 Days of Summer is probably my favorite movie role he played- couldn’t have been a better fit for the role. 

The Fan Boys

Jim Parsons 

So I’ve just recently gotten into the Big Bang Theory – words can’t express just how awesome that show is. Maybe it’s because I’m awkward at times? I don’t know, all I do know is that I’m not into science but you don’t have to be clearly – the whole show jabs fun at those nerdy scientists. I don’t think anyone would watch the show if Sheldon, Jim Parsons, wasn’t on it. He makes the show – more or less. I do love the hilarious Indian guy whose name is blanking me at the moment. OK back to Jim – would I ever think he was cute if he didn’t star on the show? Yes, sadly, because I am attracted often to nerdy people. I don’t feel bad about that, come to think of it. 

Hot Geeks

Shia LeBeouf 
Even though Shia has tattoos, is constantly “leaking” his past romps with Meghan Fox and ruins too many nice cars, I still think of him as a nerd deep down. Think back to the “Even Stevens” days – he was the quintessential dork! I think Hollywood got to his head, undoubtedly, but nonetheless I’d still give my right arm to brush shoulders with Shia somewhere downtown. 

Socialite Life

Dylan Walsh

I’ve been a devoted fan of Nip/Tuck since the beginning. The show needed to end when it did so I’m not melancholy but I really will admit to missing Dylan Walsh play a hot Miami based surgeon. PLEASE and thank you. He’s on a new show I think but nothing will compare to watching him weekly be overshadowed by Christian who in reality is balding and overly plucked. 

Colin Hanks 

OK – don’t judge this one. Colin Hanks has been on my radar for a creepish amount of time. I thought he was cute back in the day – especially when people only knew him through his father. Wait, isn’t that still the case? He hasn’t really carved his name really within the film industry but when he finally does? Don’t say I didn’t tell you. 

Warming Glow

November Obsessions

In Uncategorized on November 6, 2011 at 11:23 pm


I’ve seen Friendly Fires now twice in concert and can’t wait to see them again soon. They’re such  great performers and bring a sense of excitement to the stage. The lead singer, more specifically, is a trip – he’s very touchy feely (with himself!) making it entertaining over all. If you’ve never listened to them before, some of the songs I suggest are: Pala, Skeleton Boy and Show Me Lights.

Iziba Spotlight


While in San Francisco with my mom recently, I more or less spent the ENTIRE vacation looking for the perfect sweater. I usually don’t really care too much about clothing, but this sweater has been in the back of my mind for months now. After looking and finding some sweaters CLOSE to what I wanted at Saks and Bloomies, I FINALLY found the perfect one for a lot less actually, at American Apparel – who woulda thunken?

Outside Voice


I love Chai tea – there is some so delicious when it comes to drinking Chai lattes with some cinnamon on top. I dream about them. I’m not a big coffee fan so it’s the ideal warm drink for me come end of fall. If I attempt to make my own, I have to just add some Silk milk since I haven’t mastered the art of the froth just yet!

Foodie with Family


One of my favorite days ever, ironically enough, is the day after Halloween – that’s when all of the Thanksgiving and more likely Christmas items are being featured on the shelves. Living now in Midtown East on Park and close to Grand Central I’m delighted to already find lit trees on my walks home from work. You really can’t beat a winter wonderland in New York City – while I’m always in Miami lately for the New Year, I can’t help but long to break in 2012 in the lovely city.

Z Mation


OK I’ve become obsessed with Jeffrey Campbell this year. I’ve had some of his shoes over the years, but nothing compares to his Fall/Winter 2011-2012 Havana collection. I’ve spent most of my paychecks on his line – they’re obnoxious, not fit for practical use of any sort and way too much for a Sunday brunch but I love them. I think some of his cat adorned print ones are too much for me, but these, are amazing. Roll on Jeffrey, roll on. 

Hippie Girl


Yes, I do work on Chivas, but I must admit – I work on tons of programs and the latest Chivas endeavor has to be the coolest I’ve worked on. The concept’s simple — create pop up “broterhood parties” exclusive to members of the 1801 Chivas Brotherhood, in top cities nationwide. In Chicago, the party popped up in a luxury townhouse in the West Loop – we just launched the NYC club in a sick townhouse in West Village. I think Chivas is really helping bring a younger demographic to an always classic blended scotch brand. 
