
Archive for July 23rd, 2009|Daily archive page

Trader Joe’s- Products I Can’t Stop Eating

In Uncategorized on July 23, 2009 at 3:57 pm

I’ve always had an adoration for Trader Joe’s… when living in SF I would frequent the grocery store at least once or twice a week. Until I had a car here in Boston, I didn’t really have the energy to lug my lazy ass all the way to Coolidge Corner. That would entail public transportation and lugging of bags, no thank you. Since having my car, however, I’m back to my old ways. I can’t get enough.

While I love most of their products there are a few stand outs I thought I’d share with all of you:

1) Greek Honey Yogurt- So unfortunately dairy products and I don’t ever really see eye-to-eye, however, I’ve always been OK with Greek yogurt, for whatever the reason may be. LUCKY for me, because I am in love with all variations of this type of yogurt, specifically Honey. TJ does a great job with this product.

2838tjgreekyogurt2) Salsa- all of sorts- I’m a sucker for Salsa, mainly because I incorporate it in part of my daily routine. I think that they offer the generic types such as Authentic Regular Salsa as well as Salsa Verde. But they also offer innovative, inexpensive new types such as the Corn & Chile Salsa which is delicious. salsas

3) Uncured Turkey Bacon- Ok, so maybe I wish I could eat a BLT every now and again, but whatever I’m over it. I NEVER buy Turkey Bacon, primarily because I think of it as the Merit Roller as opposed to the Honor’s List of bacon’s. I think regular crispy bacon is incomparable. This type however blew me away, it takes two minutes to microwave and is surprisingly low in fat and high in flavor.


4) Frozen Vegetable Pizzas- I never succumb to buying Wolfgang’s Frozen Pizza’s no matter how good they look- I don’t know.. there’s something oddly unnatural about freezer pizzas in my book. Maybe it stems from my days as a child of popping Ellio’s in the oven for my mid-day snacks. Regardless, this pizza tastes like it came right out of the oven. I loved this pizza when I was in SF 3 years ago and still love it.


5) THE WINNER: Soy Creamy Vanilla Organic Ice Cream- Have I ever bought anything with soy and or organic on the label? Absolutely not. This was actually an accident I didn’t realize what I had picked up but let me tell you this much… I swear on my life this is THE best ice cream I’ve ever had. I can’t explain why…. it’s creamy, filling, and unbelievably rich. Inexpensive to boot. If you EVER make your way to Trader Joes, I beg of you to buy one carton, if you don’t like it… come after me with flamed torches.
